일본 특허 – 해외 클라이언트용 요금표 2025

해외 클라이언트용 요금표 2025

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일본특허 – 해외클라이언트용요금표 2025

Typical Procedure Flow

파리 우선권을 주장한 일본 특허 출원 또는 PCT 출원의 일본 국내 이행을 위한 국내 서면 제출(이하 요금 참조).
심사청구서를 제출한다(이하의 요금 참조).
특허청으로부터 거절 이유 통지서를 수령하다.
보정서·의견서를 제출함으로써 거절 이유 통지에 대해 응답한다(이하의 요금 참조).
특허사정 수령 및 특허료 지불 (이하 요금 참조).
특허증 수령.

일본 특허 출원에 관한 기본 정보는 여기를 참조하십시오.

Patent application filing based on basic application

DescriptionsProfessional Fees (JPY)JPO Fees (JPY)
Basic filing fee¥100,000¥14,000*
Submitting Japanese translation¥20,000
Preparing Japanese translation¥32/word
Preparing formal drawings suitable
for JP practice (per sheet)
Claiming Paris priority (per case)¥5,000
Submitting a priority document¥10,000
Filing a divisional application¥100,000¥14,000
Conversion from a utility model or design
application to a patent application
Adding new claim(s) in a conversion
or divisional application
Hourly charges

*Official fees: ¥22,000 for JP filing based on foreign language specifications

PCT National Phase Entry 

DescriptionsProfessional Fees (JPY)JPO Fees (JPY)
Basic fee for entry into PCT national phase¥100,000¥14,000
Submitting Japanese translation¥20,000
Preparing Japanese translation¥32/word
Preparing formal drawings suitable
for JP practice (per sheet)
Submitting amendment under PCT Art. 19/34¥25,000

Before Examination

DescriptionsProfessional Fees (JPY)JPO Fees (JPY)
Preparing a document for applying to
the exception of the loss of novelty
Submitting voluntary amendment¥25,000
Amendment for addressing formality matter¥15,000
Filing a request for early publication¥15,000

Request for Examination

DescriptionsProfessional Fees (JPY)JPO Fees (JPY)
Filing a request for substantive examination¥30,000¥138,000 +
N* x ¥4,000**
Petition for accelerated examination (except PPH)¥30,000
Petition for accelerated examination (PPH)¥50,000
Petition for prioritized examination ¥80,000
Request for refund of examination fees¥15,000
Filing a request for a reduction in substantive
examination fees (mainly for SMEs and Startups)

*N indicates number of claims.
** ¥124,000 + (number of claims) x ¥3,600 for PCT national entry where ISA other than JPO conducted international search.

Office Action

DescriptionsProfessional Fees (JPY)JPO Fees (JPY)
Reporting an office action¥20,000
English translation of office action¥14/Japanese character
Reviewing an office action, providing
comments on the office action, and preparing
and filing a response to the office action
Hourly charges
Conducting an interview with examiner¥40,000
Request for extension of the due date
for response to the office action (each time)
Hourly rates¥20,000*/hr.

*Partners ¥25,000/hr.


DescriptionsProfessional Fees (JPY)JPO Fees (JPY)
Reporting a notice of allowance¥20,000
Payment of registration fees
(1st to 3rd year annuities)
¥20,000see Table 1
Request for extension of the due date
for payment of registration fees
Sending an e-certificate of patent¥10,000
Payment and management of
annuity (each year)
¥15,000see Table 1

Decision of Rejection/Appeal against the Decision

DescriptionsProfessional Fees (JPY)JPO Fees (JPY)
Reporting a decision of rejection¥20,000
English translation of decision of rejection ¥14/Japanese character
Filing an appeal against the decision
of rejection
¥100,000¥49,500 +
N* x ¥5,500
Reviewing a decision of rejection,
providing comments on the decision, and
preparing and filing an appeal against
the decision along with an amendment
Hourly charges
Petition for accelerated trial¥30,000
Conducting an interview with examiner ¥40,000
Hourly rates¥20,000**/hr.

*N indicates number of claims.
**Partners ¥25,000/hr.

Expert Opinion

DescriptionsProfessional Fees (JPY)JPO Fees (JPY)
Basic fee for expert opinion¥300,000*
Hourly rates ¥20,000/hr.**

*Professional fees for 8 hours of review are included.
**This rate will be charged if the review time exceeds 8 hours. Partners: ¥25,000/hr.


Opponent side

DescriptionsProfessional Fees (JPY)JPO Fees (JPY)
Basic fee for opposition request¥250,000*¥16,500 +
N**x ¥2,400
Hourly rates ¥20,000/hr.***
Submission of opposition request by dummy¥20,000****

*Professional fees for 6 hours of review are included.
**N indicates number of patented claims.
***This rate will be charged if the review time exceeds 6 hours. Partners: ¥25,000/hr.
****This fee will be applied if you wish to use a dummy in the opposition request.

Patent owner side

DescriptionsProfessional Fees (JPY)JPO Fees (JPY)
Basic management fee for opposition¥40,000
Reporting an office action issued from
the board of appeal
English translation of office action¥14/Japanese character
Reviewing an office action, providing comments
on the office action, and preparing and
filing a response to the office action
along with a correction request
Hourly charges
Hourly rates¥20,000/hr.

Invalidation trial

Requester side

DescriptionsProfessional Fees (JPY)JPO Fees (JPY)
Basic fee for invalidation trial¥400,000*¥49,500 +
N**x ¥5,500
Hourly rates ¥20,000/hr.***

*Professional fees for 8 hours of review are included.
**N indicates number of patented claims.
***This rate will be charged if the review time exceeds 8 hours. Partners ¥25,000/hr.

Patent owner side

DescriptionsProfessional Fees (JPY)JPO Fees (JPY)
Basic fee for invalidation trial¥350,000*
Hourly rates¥20,000/hr.**

*Professional fees for 8 hours of review are included.
**This rate will be charged if the review time exceeds 8 hours. Partners: ¥25,000/hr.

Table 1: Patent Annuity (JPO Fees)

DescriptionsJPO Fees (JPY)
1st to 3rd patent annuities ¥4,300 +(number of claims) x ¥300 (each year)
4th to 6th patent annuities ¥10,300 + (number of claims) x ¥800 (each year)
7th to 9th patent annuities¥24,800 + (number of claims) x ¥1,900 (each year)
10th to 25th patent annuities¥59,400 + (number of claims) x ¥4,600 (each year)

You can see the detailed schedule of JPO fees here.